Jul 16, 2010

List of Five Friday

Five Places

Here is my list of five places I would like to visit before I leave this earth.

1. St. Croix, Virgin Islands. My grandmother is from and her ashes were laid to rest in St. Croix. Although, according to many of the websites mentioning St. Croix, it is more of a tourist attraction I have always wanted to visit to see the beautiful island.

2. Ground Zero in New York. I watched the towers fall on television the morning of September 11 with tears in my eyes, fear in my heart, and worry in my whole being for my family that lives in NY. I've heard that you can 'feel' the people who lost their lives that day at Ground Zero. I remember when I was younger my Aunt Helen took me to the World Trade Center and Statue of Liberty. That was the last time I did the 'sightseeing' thing in NY.

3. Las Vegas. The city of lights of in the desert. There really is no need explain why this is on the list.

4. Niagara Falls.

5. The White House.

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