May 19, 2011

Thursday Random

I'm a little surprised that New Jersey has not yet become mostly an island from all the rain we've been getting this week. Goodness! Today though, surprised me. The sun decided to peek through midday and right now at 630 in the evening, the sun is shining bright as it's been in a week and it's 70 degrees. The green on the trees and grass outside is almost unreal. It's such a healthy green.
This evening though the rain comes back and tomorrow it's expected to rain most of the day.
But it's okay, because Saturday's forecast calls for plenty of sunshine and temperatures in the mid 70s.
Mister has been on me lately about my photography. Especially since just a few days ago, he just bought a new 50mm lens that I have been craving. It's a manual lens so this means I have to teach myself to get out of depending on AutoFocus. I have to admit that I have not been the shutterbug I used to be when I first got my camera. Maybe because now I realize how much I prefer and love to take portraits, I've become disinterested in photos of still-life and nature, miscellaneous things around the house. So, he's challenged me to take at least 30 pictures a day. I know this won't be a problem once I get started because I tend to become obsessive when I have something to do. My assignment tonight is to take at least 10 pictures of something red. It's only my favorite color so I'm actuallly looking forward to it.

Also I've vowed to get more involved on the photography forums I'm registered on. Especially DPS. Hell, I had forgot that I had a Flickr account under my photography name until I visited the assignment page this afternoon. So, to remind myself, I installed the Flickr app on my Galaxy.
Hope you're enjoying your Thursday. We're only a few hours away from the end of the week.

*my lil turtle...thinking about doing a project: "1 Item/31 days"*

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