Jan 6, 2011

A New Year Already?

Hello Friends.
It's amazing how fast 365 days can go by. Seems like just a few months ago, we were bringing in 2010. Here we are a week into 2011.
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, an even better Christmas, and a safe and happy New Year's. Those holidays seemed to come and go faster than I remember when I was younger. Seemed like those days would never come when I was a child. 
So, the newest things to happen in my life so far this year: I've started back on my weight loss goal. Been doing pretty good this first week. Proud of myself for actually working out the whole time. I'm incorporating the Wii Fit Plus and P90X. This year I WILL get these extra thirty pounds off. I also joined FierceFitFab, which was created by MissJia. It's a great forum which helps to motivate, promote, and encourage weight loss and/or healthy and better living. 
I took the written part of my State Boards. Passed. Now I have to take the practical part of the exam, which is the part that worries me the most. I'm pretty sure I'll pass, hoping that I do, because I don't want to take the test more than once. 
My family has started going to church. Our first Sunday was the first Sunday of the year. We liked it and think that the church we found will be our church home. The kids enjoyed it as well, especially since they have a place for them to go during the service.
I'm also babysitting a friend of mine's baby boy. It's a little weird for me because I'm back to changing pampers, and making bottles, and hand feeding a child. A male child at that. I've found though that it's just like riding a bike. You don't forget what needs to be done or how to do it. I like having a baby around. Especially since I know I won't be having anymore, this is as close as it gets.
Other than that, everything is pretty good. Working on expanding Element51Photography. Not doing as many shoots as I would like to, but I'm staying patient. I believe it'll grow when the time is right.

So what's new in your life? Did you make any goals or plans this year? Have you started and/or keeping up with them?

A new year is a fresh start.
Let's get it. 


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